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Publication Type:
Publication title:
Example: Radio tuning
product part number:
Example: 523-0811010
Equipment type:
Example: WRT-701X
Equipment part number:
Example: 822-1152-001
ATA number:
Example: 34-70-10
Alternative/SB/SIL number:
Example: CDU-XX00-34-15
Example: Pro Line
Example: B747
Publication released from:
Example: 2014-01-01
Publication released to:
Example: 2014-01-01

Portal Updates/Notifications

Update to Operator Guide/Pilot Guide Product Types

Collins Aerospace has reclassified some formerly identified Operator Guides to Pilot Guides to align with the content of the identified manuals.  If you are looking for documents that are no longer showing within the Operator Guide search, please utilize the Pilot Guide for the product type.

S1000D Clarification

For product type CMP - Component Maintenance Publication - The issue information will be represented within the Edition Column on the search due to the mix between ATA and S1000D data presented on the web. The issue date is also represented by revision date in the search results expressed above. 

Publications Ordering Information

Winston Salem Interiors Seating Products (Cage Code 92802)
Interiors Seating Products Group publications has migrated to the Collins Customer Portal located under the UTC Aerospace Systems banner on the Collins Technical Publications Website:

*Customer registration will be required in order to request access to Interiors Seating Products documentation on the Collins Customer Portal. 


Publications Order Form

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888-265-5467 Option #3

For each request please have the following information:

  • Collins Aerospace Publication Part Number (523-XXXXXXX)
  • Aircraft Information
  • Owner/Operator of the Aircraft

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Collins Aerospace Training Information

Learning Management System:

  • Instructor Led Training
  • Computer-Based Training
  • Desktop Trainers
  • Virtual Avionics
  • Procedures Trainer (VAPT)
  • Simulator Software Support

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