Supplier Welcome -
Collins Aerospace is committed to providing our suppliers with the information that is key to their success. The Supplier Portal provides a single interface that makes doing business with Collins Aerospace simple and convenient.
BE-PUR-P7.4.3 revision N is applicable as of March 1, 2025
Please ensure you review this document and reach out to Collins Supplier Quality with any questions. Your Collins buyer will be able to provide contact details for the Supplier Quality Engineer, should you need assistance. INT-ASQR-FRM-0005 may be used to perform a gap analysis against BE-PUR-P7.4.3 revision N. For any compliance gaps, suppliers must obtain a waiver/exception from Collins. Waivers/exceptions should be requested through Supplier Quality.
Collins Aerospace Suspension of all Diversity Requirements in Active Supplier Contracts
In compliance with the Presidential Executive Orders, effective as of January 21, 2025, Collins Aerospace will suspend enforcement of all diversity requirements in active contracts with its suppliers, which includes contract clauses entitled “Supplier Diversity”, “Diversity”, and all other similarly titled clauses, other than those contract clauses specifically required of U.S. Government subcontractors under the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.
New Portal Training Videos Available
There are new training videos available on the Supplier Portal Index page under the heading Portal Training Videos covering use of the Portal as well as individual applications.
SPS/Parker Fires - Supply Chain Risk Awareness
Collins Aerospace is actively monitoring the recent fires at SPS Fasteners (Jenkintown, PA), and Parker Lord (Saegertown, PA) to assess potential impacts on our supply chain. Our Supply Chain Risk Network is working to evaluate and mitigate any risks related to this situation. As part of this effort, we ask that you review your supply chain and determine whether your ability to deliver parts to Collins Aerospace may be affected. If you procure materials or components from the impacted supplier, either directly or through distribution, or if there are any potential disruptions, please provide details on affected parts and any mitigation plans in place. If you identify any concerns, please notify us by emailing and copying your usual Collins point of contact. Please title the email “SPS Fasteners/Parker Lord”. We appreciate your support and cooperation.
RTX Accounts Payable Transition
Beginning in late February, RTX will expand its existing strategic partnership with Transcepta to act as the initial supplier interface for accounts payable, invoice submissions. Transcepta is an industry leader in this field and their services are being used in other areas of the RTX business today. During the next several months, as we migrate away from the existing email inboxes, you will be contacted by Transcepta to assist you as a supplier in creating an account directly with Transcepta. Please do not create an account with Transcepta until you are notified to do so. For more information, please review the full communication here.
UPDATE: PRINT LABEL on demand feature now available
PRINT LABEL on demand feature is now available in TMS. Labels will be available immediately once the PRINT LABEL button is clicked. Suppliers needing to re-print labels can move to the Download File Tab and retrieve from there. Any suppliers having issues retrieving labels after the PRINT LABEL button is performed can reach out to the DHL Groupbox – and they will supply label.
New users will be prompted to sign up for Duo during the registration process. Existing users will be required to perform a password reset by clicking on the Forgot Password link on the Sign In page. During the password reset, the existing user will be prompted to establish their Duo account.
A complete guide to this process can be found Here.
Potential Supplier Form
Request Portal Access Removal
Ariba Network (for existing Collins suppliers)
Getting Started Guide
Navigation Guide for Suppliers
Recorded Supplier Training Session
W8-W9 Guidelines/Forms
Interiors Suppliers Only
BE-PUR-P7.4.3 Supplier Quality Requirements (Rev N)
COL-ASQR-PRO-0003 Aerospace Supplier Quality Requirements
Interior Systems Routing Guide
Interiors Suppliers Only Forms
BEA-FAI-001 rev G
Pratt & Whitney and Collins Supplier Quality Requirements Documents | RTX
Supplier Quality Management System Requirements
Ground Based RC-9000
COL-ASQR-PRO-0003 Aerospace Supplier Quality Requirements
Routing Guide - Shipping Instructions (US | France | Germany)
Routing Guide Overview (video)
Supplier Management
Code of Ethics (UTC)
Supplier Code of Conduct (UTC)
Supplier Portal
Registering for the Supplier Portal
Supplier Public Documents
3D LCD Application Guidelines
Supplier Quality Portal
Registering for the Supplier Quality Portal
Supplier Quality Onboarding Checklist
Terms & Conditions
RTX Standard Terms and Condition of Purchase
RCH Terms Addendum - Collins Aerospace
General Terms & Conditions of Purchase (Form 99FP) (For purchase orders issued through 30 September 2019)
Flowdown of U.S. Government Contract Clauses under U.S. Government Contracts
Attachment A to General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (Form 99FP) (For purchase orders issued through 30 September 2019)
RCUK Form 352 General Terms & Conditions
RC Germany, General Terms and Conditions (English and German versions superseded with German Supplements saved here)
RC France, General Terms and Conditions (English | French)