Welcome to Brazonics!

Brazonics, Inc. is a brazing, machining and engineering company based out of Hampton, New Hampshire. Brazonics specializes in dip and vacuum brazing combined with highly sophisticated chassis testing.

Our distinct process goes beyond traditional capabilities to deliver durable and highly efficient thermal solutions to aerospace and commercial industries.


Please see all site specific documents below, and quick links to important documents and forms to the right.

Please submit all forms to: BRZSupplierSupport@collins.com

Site Specific Documents


QCI 6.1.1 REV N Purchasing Order Notes - Codes.pdf

8ヶ月前 に Terri Tirico によって更新されました。 ホーム > Suppliers > Brazonics > Supplier Quality Documents 基本ドキュメント 承認済み
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