

All Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN),United States Munitions List numbers (USML), Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) and Country of Origin (COO) are accurate to the best of our knowledge as of 9/24/2021. RTX does not assume any liability that should arise from the provision of this information in connection with national customs laws and regulations or other international trade requirements. 


Software Defined Products:

Please note: An ECCN value of "ZMMHWSWECCN" identifies a hardware part number whose classification is determined by the software loaded into the unit. Please utilize the contact information below and provide the Collins Aerospace software part number, and/or the hardware's serial number, in order for the proper US Export Classification to be determined.


For additional assistance:

Collins Employees
For Global Trade support please contact your Global Trade focal

Non Collins individuals 
Please email GTTMCR@collins.com or
Call 319-295-3700 Option 4

On Demand Classification Lookup

On Demand Classification Lookup

On Demand Classification Overview

The On Demand Classification application will allow you to find US Export Classification Numbers (i.e. ECCN or USML), Harmonized Tariff Schedule and Country of Origin information for as many as 20 Collins Aerospace part numbers at one time.