Rental Exchange Help

Add item to basket
Freight Policy
Pop-up blockers
Product Detail
Terms and Conditions
Transaction Search

Frequently Asked Questions
Dedicated Inventory
Delivery Date
Order Status
Return Product
Specify Location
The Rental/Exchange shop web screen is divided in to three panes.
  • The left pane includes controls for searching past transactions and searching for product availability.
  • The center pane is where product information will be displayed and also where you will find your shopping basket.
  • The right pane includes a history of the transactions you have created during your most recent session.
You can resize the individual panes or expand/collapse them as needed to allow for more visibility on the screen.

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Adding items to your shopping basket
You may add a product (part number) to your shopping basket in several ways.

Adding a product from the My Transactions home page

  1. From My Transactions home page, choose Check worldwide availability
  2. Provide a Product ID.
  3. Select a Deliver To
  4. Click Submit to determine the availability and locations for that product.
  5. Click the shopping basket icon from the results. The system will display your shopping basket with the selected product added.

Adding a product from the Availability tab

  1. From the left pane, click Availability.
  2. Provide a Product ID. An asterisk (*) may be used a wildcard for the Product ID.
  3. Select a Deliver To.
  4. Click the Go to view a list of matching products.
  5. Click Choose Location to view the availability and locations for that product.
  6. Click the shopping basket icon from the results. The system will display your shopping basket with the selected product added.

Adding a product directly to the shopping basket

  1. From My Transactions home page, click to Start your quotation or order
  2. Complete all required data
    • Your Reference (PO/RFQ)
  3. At the line item enter the product ID you wish to order.
  4. Determine availability for that product.

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Approved users may view or download the Worldwide Rental Exchange Catalog from the Shop community of the Collins Aerospace Customer Portal.

Checking availability from My Transactions

  1. From My Transactions, click Check worldwide availability.
  2. Type a product ID.
  3. Choose an option from the Deliver To field.
  4. Click Submit to determine the availability and locations for that product.
Checking availability from the Availability tab
  1. From the left pane, click Availability.
  2. Type a product ID. An asterisk (*) may be used a wildcard for the product ID.
  3. Choose an option from the Deliver To field.
  4. Click Go to view a list of matching products.
  5. Click Choose Location to view the availability and locations for that product.
Checking availability from the shopping cart
  1. From My Transactions, click Start your quotation or order
  2. Provide the following required data:
    • Your Reference (PO/RFQ)
    • Product ID
  3. Click Choose Location to view the availability and locations for the product.
  4. Click the shopping basket icon of the desired product to add that location to your shopping cart.

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System messages

Information and confirmation messages

Information messages provide feedback about searches you've conducted or other activity in the system. Confirmation messages indicate the success of a user action. These messages are formatted with blue text against a light gray background.

Warning messages

Warning messages alert you to something that may require your attention. Warning messages will not prevent any function of the online shopping experience. These messages are formatted with gold text against a light gray background.


Error messages

An error message indicates a stopping point for the system where user action is needed before the system can proceed. These messages are formatted with red text against a light gray background.


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Review Collins Aerospace Privacy & Cookie statement.

If you are experiencing issues with the Shop: Rental/Exchange system please clear your cookies and try again. If you continue to experience issues, contact us.

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Through the Shop: Rental/Exchange system you may place orders with Collins Aerospace. For additional information please review our Terms and Conditions.
  1. From My Transactions home page, click Start your quotation or order.
  2. Complete the header information, including the following required data:
    • Your Reference (PO/RFQ)
    • Product ID
    • Availability
    • Platform information
  3. Click the Update button to have the system validate the form. The system will notify you of any errors or warnings you may need to address.
  4. Click Place Order. The system will display a confirmation message.
What is the purpose of the Requested Delivery Date field?

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Pop-up blockers
To ensure successful use of the Shop: Rental/Exchange system please disable all pop-up blockers.

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Your Shop: Rental/Exchange profile enables you to configure defaults that will be used for future transactions in the Shop: Rental/Exchange parts system. These defaults can be changed on a per-transaction basis, and the ship-to address can also be changed at the line item level.

Changes you make will affect future online transactions; they will not be applied to transactions already in process. Further, these defaults will be applied only to transactions created online and do not apply to transactions conducted via other channels (phone, fax, etc).

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Product Detail

The product detail includes information such as a product ID (part number), product description, and rental/exchange list price. Product detail does not include availability information.

To view the product detail you can

  • Perform an availability search from the left Availability tab and click the product ID or description from the results.
  • Click the product ID or description from a shopping basket for an order or quotation. If you are viewing a transaction not created online, you will only be able to view product detail for those products which are available for online sale.

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Through the Shop: Rental/Exchange system you may request a quotation from Collins Aerospace. For additional information please review our Terms and Conditions.

  1. From the My Transactions page, click Start your quotation or order
  2. Provide required data:
    • Your Reference (PO/RFQ)
    • Product
    • Rental/Exchange
    • Additional information to help determine warranty, contract, or program coverage.
  3. Click the Update button to have the system validate the form. The system will notify you of any errors or warnings you may need to address.
  4. Click the Request Quotation button. The system will display a confirmation message.
Additionally, you can revise a quotation that has a status of Open. To review an open quotation:
  1. Locate the desired quotation by either performing a transaction search or by choosing the desired quotation from the History pane.
  2. While viewing the desired quotation, Click the Revise Quotation button to open that quotation for editing.
  3. Enter your modifications.
  4. Click the Update button to have the system validate the form. The system will notify you of any errors or warnings you may need to address.
  5. To save any changes, Click the Revise Quotation button again.

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Transaction Search

Through the Shop: Rental/Exchange system you view the status of any Rental/Exchange quotation or order you have placed with Collins Aerospace.

To view the status of a transaction:

  1. From the transactions tab, choose whether you want to search for orders or quotations.
  2. Select the desired status.
  3. Provide any additional search criteria required.
  4. Click the Go button.

The results for an order will include columns related to shipment information, including Ship Date, Route, and Waybill. As available, the Waybill data will be a link to that carrier's site where you may view detailed information about the status of the shipment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is dedicated inventory?
A: Products listed as "Dedicated" are available for your specific use under a contractual agreement. If possible, please use these products in your order or quotation request.

If the order is to report product used from a dedicated location at a forward deployed location we request information about the transaction with your customer. Enter this data into the Additional Customer Requirements field on the line for exchange. Examples would be serial number transacted for your customer from dedicated, your customer's information / contract, and date of the transaction with your customer.

Q: What is the purpose of the Requested Delivery Date field? When will my item ship?
A: The Requested Delivery Date identifies the date you would like the rental or exchange product to leave the Collins Aerospace facility. The date will default to the current date. You may schedule shipments for future dates.

Q: How do I view the status of an order?
A: The left pane of the Shop:Rental/Exchange system provides the ability to search for the status of an order or quotation.

Q: How do I request an exchange for a product that is not identical to the product I intend to return to Collins Aerospace?
A: The Shop: Rental/Exchange system will allow you to request a rental or an exchange only for the same part number you are returning to Collins Aerospace. If you need to return a dissimilar part, please contact us.

Q: How do I request a product from a specific Collins Aerospace location?
A: The Shop: Rental/Exchange system allows you to request a rental or an exchange from the Collins Aerospace location that will best serve your needs. When placing an order, please click Choose Location within your shopping basket or from your availability search. On the resulting screen click the shopping cart image of the desired location.

Q: Where do I ship my unit to be returned to Collins Aerospace?
A: As part of the order process, you will be providing information regarding your product to be returned. Within this area of the order, you can select a repair location to use as a ship-to location. The majority of the products have multiple selections available for a repair location. If your product does not have a defined repair location, please leave this field blank.

If the repair location is blank in your order basket, an order administrator from Collins Aerospace will contact you with correct information.

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